Check the countries and regions available for shipping
Average Delivery Period
K-packet: About 2 to 4 weeks
EMS: About 1 to 2 weeks
UPS: Within 1 week
FedEx: Within 1 week
UPS and FedEx have only a few countries in place.
If you want this delivery method, please request it.
Depending on the package customs stay period, the delivery period may decrease or increase.
Air Delivery Countries (A-Z)
Updated 03/21/2025 (Based on K-Packet)
Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan
Bahrain, Bangladesh, Belgium,
Bosana Herzecovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Butane
Canada, Cambodia, Chile, China,
Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Croatia
Cypress, Czech Republic
Denmark, Djibouti
Ecuador, Egypt, Estonia, Ethiopia
Finland, France
Gabon, Germany, Ghana, Greece
Hong Kong, Hungary
India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Italy
Japan, Jordan
Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kuwait
Laos, Lebanon, Luxembourg
Macau, Malaysia, Maldive Islands, Mauritius, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar
Latvia, Nepal, Netherlands, Lithuania, Norway, North Macedonia, Nigeria,
New Zealand
Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal
Romania, Russia, Rwanda
San Marino, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland
Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand
Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States
Tunisia, Turkey
United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan
Vatican, Vietnam
Delivery Information by Countries and Regions
Philippines - Manila
EMS available to Manila postal codes starting with 1. (some delay may occur)
Other regions avaialble via other mail carriers. Please contact us before purchase through chat.
Tax ID is required. Please leave CFP number (000.000.000-00) in the “Memo” field when ordering.
Heavy delay in local delivery. It may take more than 3 months if K-Packet is selected for shipping method.
For tracking information, click the link below and enter your tracking number.
For faster delivery, please check for local stores in your country from below.
Dear Customers.
Thank you for shopping with us.
Due to the recent situations with COVID-19 around the globe, there may be some delays, and shipping is not available for some countries.
Because we don’t offer shipping to every country, in some cases we can ship via UPS. Please note that UPS shipping cost may be expensive. If you live in a country where we don’t offer a shipping method, please contact us via chat with your shipping address, country and name of the product/quantity and we can send you a shipping quote. (there may be some delay in our response due to time region difference)
We wish everyone to stay safe.
-GUNPRIMER Support Team